Exhibition Curation:
Balance by Struggle #GemeentemuseumDenHaag
15-16 Sept 2017
On September 16 and 17 the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) in collaboration with the Hague city hall showcases the exhibition “Balance by Struggle“ at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. It explores the relationship between two of the most famous personas of De Stijl, Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondriaan, by getting to the core of their disagreement: formality vs informality. A primary struggle for all artists, times and movements.
Reflecting the famous artists from a perspective of their connection to transmissive mentality of Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg. Search for answers through documented materials, audio and video installations, experience the virtual reality of being a canvas standing in front of Jackson Pollock and get a personal artwork from Jeff Koons.
Graphic designers in collaboration: Mariam Darchiashvili, Dominika Fojtikova, Yeon Sung

Photograph by Katarina Juričić
Photograph by Katarina Juričić