06 / 2016
Meditation connects inner self to outside world. Embrace yourself in an enclosed but actually open space.

Inspired by the light and calmness in the Finnish architectures during an excursion to Helsinki, Finland in April, 2016, I designed a meditation space with light and openness for students from my own academy. The location is in front of the Royal Academy of Art, the Hague.
I have been hugely impressed by the Kamppi Chapel of Silence situated in the city centre of Helsinki. However, once stepping into the chapel, the division between inside and outside is so dominant that it seems that the chapel is all by itself, totally isolated from where it is. This rendering of atmosphere has something to do with the high walls without a single straight corner and only skylight from the top shedding into the space. Besides, the choice of fine-polished wood also adds to the perception of the space. Nesting in a city, nests the peace and openness.