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Formatted Utopia

Sept 2017 - Jan 2018

Maasvlakte, Rotterdam

From the first impression presented by a video to an installation of a conceptual model guided by a map. To observe one of the robotic landscapes at your finger tip. 

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        FORMATTED UTOPIA is a constructed fictional space that questions the man power of the highly intellectural and well planned harbour landscape of today. In a piece of land that huamn scale is eliminated, lies a well-thought plan of human perception. Although you will be tired of an endless highway that exactly ends at the horizon, every step you take, there is still a different but complete view of the harbour.

        In between the noisy reality and the pure configuration, the installation only reinterprets the panoramic experiences. When confronted with this space, picturing the actural landscape, how much is human in charge of their achievements?

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